Komitas “Badarak” CD is Now Available! (WD)

Komitas Divine Liturgy


Komitas “Badarak” CD is Now Available!
Western Diocese
of the Armenian Church
“The Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Apostolic Church as composed and arranged by Komitas Vardapet is a source of spiritual reawakening which leads us closer to the Almighty.” 
– Archbishop Hovnan DerderianThe Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America is happy to announce the release of the highly anticipated CD recording of the Armenian Divine Liturgy (composed and arranged by Komitas Vardapet (1869-1935)).

Recorded by the Joint Choir of St. Leon Armenian Cathedral, the massive project took more than eighteen months to complete.

Priced at just $25, the double CD set makes a great gift for any occasion!

Shipping rates: $2-US Domestic and up to $10 internationally

The CD is available for purchase at the Diocesan Bookstore. Reserve your copy by calling 818-558-7474 ext. 112.


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