Message From OIA Executive Board To All Members

Dear Members of the OIA Bolis Team,


Within a short week the AGBU World Games will kick off in Pasadena, and with great pride, we will all be watching and cheering for forty five member strong OIA “Bolis” team marching into the field, wearing the OIA “Bolis” team uniforms. We believe this event which has been taking place since 1955, is a perfect venue, which brings the Armenian Youth across the globe together, where world wide brother/sister hood of the Armenian spirit is demonstrated among our young athletes. In a friendly setting, you will all have an opportunity toengage in sporting competitions and create lifelong bonds with fellow Armenians, who grew up in a different part of the world, while sharing same values and culture as yours.


Of course, “winning”, is the ultimate reward of any sporting competition; but you must remember that, while you are on that field, there are higher values than just “wining” which counts. After all, while you are wearing that uniform, you will be representing OIA, your team, your family, and above all yourself and your upbringing! In my mind, these core values, demonstrate a winning spirit which matters the most, and points out the real winners in life at the end of the day. Play to win, but most importantly play to enjoy the moment, the experience and the opportunity to be on that field with other fellow Armenians from all over the world!


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