NEWS – OIA Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee of the OIA
this year also has awarded scholarships
to the following 11 Armenian University students
for their academic achievements
Further the OIA’ s Board of Directors has awarded financial aid to
8 students attending Armenian schools

Rafael Davtian ($2000) Utah State University, Political Science, PH.D.
Lara Kayayan ($2000) Yale Law School, JD
Arpine Kocharian ($1500) Hartwick College, Political Science, BA
Sheyda Melkonian ($1500) Calif. School of Professional Psychology, Doctorate of Psychology –
Karin Salgin ($1500) University of California, Riverside, Sociology,BA
Gohar Petrossian ($1000) John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Investigative Techniques, MA –
Hrag Hamalian ($500) Boston College, Biology and English, BA
Sarmen Keshishian (500) University of California, Irvine, Political Science and Economics – Anoushe Marandjian ($500) University of West LA Law School, JD
Kristapor Vartanian (500) UCLA, Philosophy and Political Science, BA
Vivian Ohanian ($500) University of California, Berkeley, History, BA.


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