DUO ART EXHIBITION By Onnik Stepan Karanfilian – O n n i k at ZORAYAN MUSEUM

When: Back to Calendar October 3, 2013 @ 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
3325 North Glenoaks Boulevard
Burbank,CA 91504
Community Events
Western Diocese
of the Armenian Church of North America
of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America
Cordially Invites You 
to a Very Special  DUO  ART  EXHIBITION 
October 3th & 4th, 2013
Onnik, ’Meeting’ 39.5″x51″ oil on canvas
Onnik, ’Legend’ 39.5″x51″ oil on canvas
(Two renowned artists from Bulgaria)
Nina, ‘Jazz III’, 39.5″x51″ acrylic on canvas
 Nina, ’Dance I’, 39.5″x51″ acrylic on canvas
Opening Artists Reception
Thursday, October 3, 2013
6:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.
Friday, October 4, 2013
5:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.
3325 N. Glenoaks Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91504
(818) 558-7474
About the Artists

Onnik Stepan Karanfilian – O n n i k
BORN – 1963 Sliven, Bulgaria.
EDUCATION -1994, MFA. The National Academy of Fine Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria.EXHIBITIONS        
1985- 1988, Group exhibitions, The city Gallery, Sliven. 1986 – 1987, Common exhibitions of art in Sofia. 1986  The Dosev Gallery, Sofia. 1986  The region’s exhibition in Yambol, Bulgaria. 1988  The “Ecology” show, The National Academy of Fine Art, Sofia.1989  International exhibition of undergraduates, Belgrade, Budapest, Vienna, Rome and Athens. 1989  Undergraduates exhibition in New York and Washington, U. S. A.. 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001 International Graphics Biennial, Varna, Bulgaria. 1991, 1996  Sapporo International Print Biennial, Japan.1991, 1995  11 Th. Mini Print International Cadaques, Spain. 1991, 1995, 2003  International exhibition of EX – LIBRIS, Saint Niklaas, Belgium. 1992  ”New Names”, Sofia, Bulgaria. 1992  1 st. Exhibition of Bulgarian Art in Seoul, South Korea.1993  International exhibition of EX – LIBRIS entitled “G. Mercator and cartography”, Saint Niklaas, Belgium. 1993 1 st. International Print Biennial in Maastricht, Nederland.1993  “Bulgarian Art in Germany”, Germany. 1994  “33 Graphic Artists from Bulgaria” South Africa. 1994  OSAKA Triennial, 5 th. International Contemporary Art Competition, Japan. 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004  International Graphic Triennial, Sofia, Bulgaria. 1996 , 2001, 2007 Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints, Japan. 1997 Group Exhibition of Bulgarian Art in Belgrade,  Yugoslavia. 1998  2nd International Graphic Triennial Sofia, Bulgaria.2000  6th International Biennial of Miniature Arts, Gornji Milanovac. 2001, 2002 European Biennial of Engraving – Exlibris competition,  Acqui Terme, Italy.2002 The 12th SPACE INTERNATIONAL PRINT BIENNIAL, SEOUL, South KOREA. 2003, 2007 International exlibris competition in Ankara,   Turkey. 2004 International exlibris competition of FISAE, Geneva, Switzerland. International Print triennial- Sofia, Bulgaria. 2006 National competition of selected artists “Awards for contemporary Bulgarian art”, exhibition , Vienna, Austria. 2006 Exhibition of Bulgarian Exlibris,  UN, Geneva, Switzerland. 2006 National contest for the art of book and exlibris, Sofia, Bulgaria. 2007 Bulgarian small sized erotic print exhibition, Bratislava, Slovakia, Vienna, Austria. 2007 Contemporary Bulgarian graphic art, Germany. 2008, The 1st International Biennial of Prints, Istanbul, Turkey.
2008, The 2nd Bangkok Triennial of Print and Drawing exhibition, Thailand. 2008, The 3rd International print competition “Bridge”, Istanbul, Turkey. 2009, Bulgarian print art in Vienna, Austria. 2010, Krakow-Vienna- Oldenburg , SMTG International print triennial  SMTG. 2010, 6th International Triennial of Prints, Sofia, Bulgaria. 2010, NEVER, EVER, FOREVER, China.Many other group exhibitions.2011, IV  International print competition RHMD museum, Istanbul,
Turkey. “Autumn Salon of Arts”, Sofia, Bulgaria. 2012, FUSION International Contemporary Intaglio Print Invitation Exhibition, China. 2012, Cluj-Napoka, Romania, “TRIBUNA Graphic 2012″. “8×3″ Project, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 2012.

1993, Gallery “Studio Spectar”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
1993, Gallery “Gijzenrooi”, Geldrop, Nederland.
1996, Gallery “Hotel Intercontinental”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
1996, Gallery “Interart”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
1997, FEZ, Berlin, Germany.
1998, Gallery “Art Forum”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
2000, Arthur Matossian Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon.
2000, National  Ethnographic Museum, Sofia, Bulgaria
2001, Arthur Matossian Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon.
2001, National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria.
2002, gallery “Tageia”, Varna,  Bulgaria.
2004, gallery “Vuzrazdane”, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
2005, gallery “Eprueve d’Artiste”, Antwerpen, Belgium
2007, “Galerie d’art du Rhone”,Geneva, Switzerland.
2008, “Rakursi” gallery, “Exhibition for a Day”, Sofia, Bulgaria
2009,  “Onnik and friends”, Gallery “Bulgarian Cultural Center”, Prague, Czech Republic.
2010,  “On the way”, IMOGA Museum, Istanbul, Turkey.
2010,  “Together”, Art gallery – National Palace of Culture, “XVth Salon des Arts”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
2011, “Комюникейшън&Obshtuvane”, National Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria.
2012, “COUNTRY of ROSES”, Gallery of the Bulgarian Cultural Center, Paris, France.
2013,  ”Rakursi” gallery, “50 years, so what”, Sofia, Bulgaria.

1988, The “Ecology” show, Second prize Winner, NA of Fine Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria.
1993, Second Prize Winner of Gallery  “AU VIRAGE”, Switzerland.
1997, International Prize of  “ART DIALOGUE ” foundation, Paris, France.
1998, The 2-nd  International Triennial Exhibition of Prints, awarded from”INTERART ” Foundation, Sofia,  Bulgaria.
1999, International Prize Winner  for Realistic Art at the Int.Biennial, Varna, Bulgaria from Dr. Philipp Maurer  “KLEINE GALERIE”, Vienna, Austria.
2001, Second Prize Winner of the section Ex libris at the Vth European Biennial of Engraving, Acqui Terme, Italy.
2002, Awarded for competition of UBA, Sofia, “Cite International des Art”, Paris.
2002, Grand Prize for small-sized prints competition, Nish, Yugoslavia.
2004, Special Prize winner at the First  F.I.S.A.E  Exlibris competition, Geneva, Switzerland.
2006, Special award for the contribution to the exlibris art in Bulgaria at the National exhibition “Art of Bulgarian book”
2006, Honorable mention, “Tabula rasa”, Istanbul, Turkey
2007, Special Prize winner at the second international exlibris competition-Ankara 2007, Turkey.
2007, The 5th International Triennial Exhibition of Prints, Prize Winner of “Bulgarian artist”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
2008, The 1st International Biennial of Prints, IMOGA Museum, Third Prize Winner, Istanbul, Turkey.
2008, FISAE XXXII Ex-Libris Congress2008-Brunovsky Certificate of Honour, Beijing, China.
2008, First Prize at The 3rd International print competition “Bridge”-RHMD museum, Istanbul,
2011, PRIX D’ HONNEURat The 4th International print competition RHMD museum, Istanbul,
2011, UBA prize for graphic art, “Autumn Salon of Arts”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
2012, Nomination for  graphic art from “ALLIANZ Awards”, Sofia, Bulgaria.

1994 – Union of Bulgarian Artists.
2001 – International Exlibris Center – Sofia, founder.
2002 – Association of Exlibris Friends in Bulgaria.
2010 – Honorary membership of Istanbul Exlibris Society.

1988 – Donation to the Gulbenkian foundation.
1988 – Donation to the found for supporting the people of Armenia.
1992 – Donation to the found for the ill children in Kuklen, Bulgaria.
1995 – Donation to the found for supporting the people of Kobe, Japan.
1995 – 1996, 1997, Charitable Exhibitions for the International Red Cross, Sofia, Bulgaria.
1997 – 1998, teaching of computer design at the National Academy of Fine Arts,  Sofia, Bulgaria.
1997 – Teacher at the printing workshop in Berlin, Germany.
1998 – Hand made book with 10 original color lithographs signed and numbered from 1 to 29. The book is printed on handmade paper “Magniani “, 300gm2.
1999 – Donation to the found for supporting the people of Izmit, Turkey.
2002 – Founder of the First International Exlibris Biennial in Bulgaria.
2002 – Founder and editor of the first Bulgarian journal for Exlibris.
2004 – 30 copies of a unique book with 14 original prints of Pencho Kulekov-exlibris artist, dedicated to his 80th anniversary. Leather cover is with relief print.
2000-2012 Many charitable exhibitions and events.

Prints had been exhibited: Museu D’Art de Sabadell in Barcelona. Museu del Suro, Palafrugell in Girona.Capella de Sant Joan, Vilafranca del Penedes in Barcelona,Hankyu Department Store in Osaka. Gallery Oishi, Gallery Fukuda, Palus in Fukuoka.Daimaru Dept. Store in Kochi, etc.Works to be found in private collections in Japan, Canada, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Finlandn’, Chesh Republik, South Afrika, Slovak Republik, Italy, Greece,Belgium, Denmark, Nederland, France, Hungary and United States.

His works are in collections of “Schreiner” Museum in Germany, IMOGA Museum and RHMD Museum in Turkey, Sofia Art Gallery, National Museum of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria, “ART DIALOGUE ” foundation, Paris, France as well as in private collections all over the world.

He works also in the field of paintings, design and drawings.

BORN - 1967 Galiche, Bulgaria.
EDUCATION – MFA, The National Academy of Arts -Textile, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1994.COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS
1984 – Common exhibition -Oreshak, Bulgaria.
1988 – Common exhibition «Aquarell»-Targovishte, Bulgaria.
1991 – Common exhibition -Sofia, Bulgaria.
1994 – Youth Theatre Festival -Berlin, Germany.
1994 – Common exhibition -Sofia, Bulgaria.
1997 – Common exhibition -Sofia, Bulgaria.
1997 – «Art on a paper», Sofia, Bulgaria
1998 – Common exhibition -Sofia, Bulgaria.

1993 – «Days of Bulgarian Culture», Berlin, Germany.
1994 – Stockholm, Sweden.
1994 – Modern Review Spectacle,«Variations of Duende» National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria.
1998 – Gallery “The Stair”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
2000 – Gallery ” Arthur Matossian”, Beirut, Lebanon
2002 – Gallery “TAGEYA”, Varna, Bulgaria
2010- “Together”, Art gallery – National Palace of Culture, “XVth Salon des Arts”, Sofia, Bulgaria
2011 – “13.12.11″, gallery “Hermes”, Sofia, Bulgaria
2012 – “COUNTRY of   ROSES”, Gallery of the Bulgarian Cultural Center, Paris, France.

1997 – Union of the Bulgarian Artists
2000 – Advisory board of association ” Euro integration”, founder
2002 – Association of Exlibris Friends in Bulgaria

1994 -Summer Academy of Arts, Berlin, Germany.
1995 – Summer Academy of Arts, Berlin, Germany.
1995 -Costumes for « BOOMERANG » from L. Kostov – Berlin, Germany.
1995 -Costumes for « GREEN CACADU » from A. Shnitsler – Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
1996 – Lecturer`s courses in Art House «ATRIUM» – Berlin, Germany.
1996 – Costumes for «EXPECTETION OF GODO » from S. Becket – Co production of Bulgaria and Germany – Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
1998 – Costumes for «Becket» from Jean Anouilh, Varna, Bulgaria.
1998 – Costumes for «A cat on a hot tin roof» from T.Williams, Varna, Bulgaria.
1999 – Costumes for « UBU » from Alfred Jarry, Burgas, Bulgaria.
2000 – Costumes for «Topaz » Burgas, Bulgaria
2001 – Costumes for «Sea blue» Burgas, Bulgaria

She has been in the organizing committee of  the 1st and 2nd exlibris biennial together with Onnik Karanfilian.

Since 2000-2006 Nina Koleva-Karanfilian is taking care with her two children Alen(2000) and Noemi(2003).

2007-2012 She has many executed interior design projects for offices and private houses as well as wall painting and furniture.
Works to be found in private collections in Brussels, Sweden, Bulgaria, Turkey, France,
Lebanon, Germany, USA, France and Belgium.

For more information, please contact
The Western Diocese of the Armenian Church at ( 818) 558-7474 or
Linda Stepanian, Director of Stephanie’s Gallery at (818) 790-4905



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