[WD] Primate’s Easter Message

Primate’s Easter Message

Published on Apr 16 2011 by Divan of the Diocese

Armenian Version

“Let us be renewed with the Glorious Resurrection of Christ, our Lord”

Let us renew our lives with the Glorious and Victorious Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is the challenging message of the Feast of the Holy Resurrection. The Blessed Resurrection calls on us all to renounce our old-self and instill within us a new beginning: to live a Christ-like life. The Christian faithful is created in God’s image and is granted divine strength to contest all adversaries which impede the spreading of the Good News. This has also been the legacy of our forefathers.    

“Christ is risen from the dead.”

Easter grants us new life. For a devout Christian, the Holy Resurrection of Christ is life’s greatest miracle, for it opens the door to a new and pristine life. Through this glorious miracle, we welcome and embrace a life of spiritual transformation. Easter has an even greater significance for an Armenian Christian, for the Holy Resurrection of Christ, our Lord, is the celebration of life. This year, Easter falls on April 24th, the day when we commemorate the Resurrection of our people and honor the martyrs who, through their sacrificial life, envisioned the nation’s rebirth.

“Let us be renewed with the Glorious Resurrection of Christ, our Lord”

Dear faithful, what does the message convey to us? It is the call for reawakening in order that we may live according to God’s commandments. It is nothing less than an invitation for a life of renewal. With renewed faith we shall cherish the beauty of our Homeland, the vision of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the sanctity of our families and the richness of our language and culture. As honorable citizens, improve the life of your community with your exemplary deeds. As devout faithful, instill in the hearts of our young generation the divine message of the Blessed and Miraculous Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

“Blessed is the Resurrection of Christ, our Lord”

Dear faithful, the Resurrection of Christ, our Lord, is a blessing for humanity. Christ’s Resurrection is the confirmation of His victory over death. A door to a new life has been opened before us where a life of enlightened spirit and enriched moral values awaits. Let us grasp the true meaning of the miracle by engaging in God-pleasing missions, acting as the Hands of God and Ambassadors of Christ.

“Christ is risen from the dead.”

This Easter, the Victorious Resurrection of Christ exemplifies the Resurrection of the Armenian nation for Armenians across the world. The course of Armenian history is similar to Christ’s path to crucifixion. The life of each Armenian is a testimony of the will to carry on the message of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Orphaned children of the fallen martyrs are today’s torchbearers, beacons of light and visionary leaders.


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