[FATMA MINDIKOGLU] The Pigeon-like Timidity of My Soul

As a tribute to Hrant I wanted to share with you the last article he wrote on how he felt lately.

My deep condolences to all Armenians and Turks.


fatma mindikoglu


The Pigeon-like Timidity of My Soul




….Staying and living in Turkey was both our real desire and something that the respect we would owe thousands of our friends, those we know and those we don’t know, who struggle for democracy in Turkey, who support us.


We would stay and resist.


But if we ever had to leave one day…We would take off just like we did in 1915…Like our ancestors….Without knowing where we were going…Walking along the paths they walked…Enduring the same toil, suffering the same wound…


…Just like that…we would leave our country. And we would go not where our hearts would take us, but where our feet would take us….Whereever…


In timidity and in freedom.


I hope we never have to go through such a departure. We already have more than enough hope and reason in order not to live.


Now I will appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.


I do not know how many years this trial would last.


The truth that I know and that provides a little relief is that at least until this trial {his 301 trial] ends i will continue to live in Turkey.


If the court decides in favor of my case, no doubt i will be more happy and but this also means i will never have to leave my country.


Probably 2007 will be a difficult year for me.


Trials will go on…new ones will begin. Who knows what kind of injustices i am yet to encounter?




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