THE ORGANIZATION OF ISTANBUL ARMENIANS ELECTS THE NEW EXECUTIVE BOARD The Organization of Istanbul Armenians announces the election of new members to its Executive Board along with the appointment of new officers. After the election, the newly elected President of OIA, Mr. Kurken Berksanlar stated, “Our goal is to serve the Armenian Community of Los Angeles and the Armenian nation at large through educational, cultural and social programs. Although country of origin had its importance for the new comers to this land to identify themselves, it is more important for our generation to focus our energy on preserving the Armenian heritage and identity. Therefore our aim is to make OIA an Inter-Armenian center that will serve all Armenians, regardless of their origin. After all, we all share the same culture and heritage regardless of where we came from. The “Los Angeles Miracle” sets an example to the rest of the Diaspora: Here, Armenians from various origins intermingle and cultivate friendships with great comfort without paying any attention to each others’ home country.” “Like in our name “Bolis”, to others known as Istanbul, OIA stands as a vibrant mosaic of cultures, such that, many of our members are not from Istanbul, rather from various cities across Turkey. Just like Bolis, OIA yearns for more diversity, calling for Armenians from different countries of origin to make OIA their Armenian Home. OIA, since its inception in mid 70′s, has been providing financial aid and scholarship grants to all Armenians, regardless of their country of origin, who have demonstrated academic excellence and those who strive to contribute to the Armenian society. Our goal is to expand their cultural horizons and cultivate in them the spirit of service in the public interest and importance of giving back to our society, while being exemplary citizens of this nation.” OIA’S NEWLY FORMED EXECUTIVE BOARD