Madam Rakel Dink
Madam Minister, Hranouche Hakopian
Bishop Norvan Zakarian, repr�sentant l�Eglise Arm�nienne of France
Mr. the Mayor of Bouc Bel Air, dear Jean-Claude,
Mr l�adjoint to the Mayor of Marseille, Didier Parakian
Ladies gentlemen the �lus,
Ladies gentlemen the repr�sentants of the Arm�nienne communaut�,
And especially dear friends,
We are aujourd�hui rassembl�s, here � Bouc Bel Air to salute the d�un human d�honneur m�moire d�un man d�exception
Hrant Dink, was 53 years old, he �tait p�re of family, he spoke arm�nien, he spoke Turkish, it �tait chr�tien, he lived in Turkey Muslim country.
C��Tait a man of dialogue, c��tait a volont�man, c��tait man v�rit�.
With his assassination, c�est a moral �l�vation that �tait vis�e.
With l�assassi