[PANARMENIAN.NET] Hripsime Khurshudyan wins silver at European Weightlifting Championships


April 17, 2011 PanARMENIAN.Net - On April 17,
Armenia’s Hripsime Khurshudyan (+75kg) won silver at the European Weightlifting Championships in Kazan, lifting 245kg in snatch and clean & jerk combination.
Khurshudyan was the second in snatch and clean & jerk, lifting 114 and 131kg respectively.

Russia’s Tatyana Kashirina won the champion’s title, lifting 327 kg in snatch and clean & jerk combination.

Armenia is the fifth in team competition with 13 medals.

http://www.panarmenian.net/arm/sport/news/67433/????????_????????????__??????_??????????_????????_      (Hayeren)


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