Dear Friend and Colleague ,
You are cordially invited ,
With my warm regards
Apo Torosyan


Following are Student Reactions from the recent Lecture Series of Apo  
Torosyan in February and March 2010 .

*The one difference I felt between you and some of the other authors  
and artists I studied was that you focus your work on “hope not  
hate.”  I find this refreshing and agree wholeheartedly that by  
promoting hate against a group of people – for any reason- is a  
continuation of a great injustice to humanity.
Thank you again and take care.

*After watching this video, it really opened by eyes to the terrors  
that happened in Turkey.  I had never heard of this genocide before  
and I am extremely grateful for having a deeper understanding of what  
happened.  I think this film is beautiful and you are a very talented  
artist, and brave for taking a stand against the government.  It was  
beautiful what you said about how the world needs to stop war and  
killing and hating each other.  You are truly an inspiration!  Thank  
you so much for coming and educating us.

*This was so beautiful and inspiring.  The movie was so moving and  
disturbing.  What I think is most beautiful is your message, “hope  
not hate.”  After all of this, after all you have been through, it’s  
so amazing that you are able to say that.  You have so much courage  
and bravery.
Thank you for everything you have done.
*Very inspiring, motivational for me dealing with prejudices/denial  
of post-effects of slavery and other forms of discrimination- you  
inspire me to be hopeful that we will one day reach the point where  
everyone is treated equally.

*The Armenian Council of America (ACA), from the West Coast of the  
United States continue  promoting “The Morgenthau Story” documentary  
by Apo Torosyan to the “Education and Advocacy Initiative” for the  
memory and truth of the Armenian Genocide.

*The Morgenthau Story tells the story of Ambassador  Henry  
Morgenthau’s commitment to helping  humanity.  From 1913 to 1916, he  
served as U.S.  Ambassador in Constantinople, and with the  beginning  
of the Armenian Genocide in the spring  of 1915 he appealed without  
success to the Ottoman  leaders to stop the killings.  In 1923,  
during the  aftermath of the genocide and expulsion of  Armenians,  
Greeks, and Assyrians, he helped save  thousands of lives by  
successfully leading the  Refugee Relief Committee in Greece.   
Filmmaker  Apo Torosyan illustrates the story of Henry  Morgenthau  
Sr. by interviewing three of his descendants: grandsons Henry  
Morgenthau III and Robert M.  Morgenthau, D.A. and great-
granddaughter Dr. Pamela Steiner.

* Month of  April , 2010, “The Morgenthau Story” and ” Voices “
films by Apo Torosyan will  show at Lexington TV, Comcast Channel 10.
For time contact:  Florence DelSanto, 781-862-5388.
Mark McMinn is the community outreach coordinator.

* Month of April 2010 ,  Saugus Community Television, Inc., PEG
(Public-Educational-government) Access Cable Station will show
an interview ( from March 2010 ) with the filmmaker Apo Torosyan ,  
Subject will be
the origination of the word GENOCIDE and the denial of
The Armenian Gen


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