Cathedral Dome Successfully Installed
Published on May 13 2009 by Divan of the Western Diocese
Faithful surrounding the Primate pose for a picture during the placement of the dome on May 13, 2009
With the installation of the dome of the Cathedral of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North American, the construction project entered a new phase on Wednesday, May 13, 2009. His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate, His Eminence Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian, Joseph Kanimian, Esq., Chair of the Diocesan Council, Mr. Armen Hampar, Chair of the Cathedral Building Committee, Dome Benefactor Mrs. Eleanor Dickranian and daughters Cindy Norian and Laurel Karabian; Diocesan Clergy and a number of faithful witnessed this important step in the process of the construction of the Cathedral. After posing for a group picture, the faithful were invited to the Primate’s Office where they celebrated this important millstone in the process of the construction of the Cathedral. Upon the request of the Primate, all guests joined His Eminence in praying for the repose of the soul of Arshag Dickranian – the late husband of Mrs. Eleanor Dickranian, Cathedral Dome Benefactor. The Diocesan Complex has also been named after Mr. and Mrs. Arshag and Eleanor Dickranian. The Office of the Western Diocese is pleased to inform our beloved faithful that the construction progress continues successfully and in the near future we will witness the completed Cathedral as a testimony to the faith of our exemplary forefathers in this part of the world.