[PETER MUSURLIAN] Documentary showcasing tourist sites in Armenia To air on mainstream Los Angeles television

More than 16 million Southern Californians will have the chance to see the Republic of Armenia like it has never been seen before on mainstream American television on Friday, January 25 @ 9 PM on KLCS-TV (Channel 58) in Los Angeles.
“Many documentaries by Armenian-Americans end up collecting dust on library shelves or are shown to small audiences at private screenings,” said co-producer Arbi Ohanian, M.D. 
“But, filmmaker Peter Musurlian’s one-hour documentary will be an exception to that somewhat unfortunate reality,” Ohanian added.


Millions of non-Armenians will have the opportunity to vicariously travel to a place they will probably never visit in their lives, by tuning into, “The Long Journey from the NFL to Armenia.”
The film shows 4th-generation Armenian-American and NFL lineman Rien Long traveling, in March 2006, to Yerevan, Gyumri, Lake Sevan and Nagorno-Karabagh, among other picturesque, historic and newsworthy locations. Mr. Long meets with Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian, takes part in a baptism, visits an after-school program for poor children and drops by Armenia TV for some live interviews.  
Vahe Shahinian of ArmenianCalendar.com calls the film, “The most engaging Armenian-themed documentary I have ever seen.”
And, Ara Boyadjian of VisitArmenia.org says of the filmmaker, “Musurlian’s cinematography of Armenia is breathtaking.”
The Long Journey from the NFL to Armenia,”  which was completed 17 months ago, has been seen on Horizon Armenia TV, as well as at: the Arpa Film Fesitival in Hollywood, the Pomegranate Film Festival in Toronto, the Fresno State Armenian Film Festival, and the Georgetown Film Festival in Washington, D.C.


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