[1001KEFNIGHTS.COM] Radio Program on Armenian Genocide WBAI

On Sunday May 21st from 6:15 to 7pm (EST) on WBAI 99.5 FM in NY will air THE COST OF GENOCIDE-ARMENIA 1915 produced by Fred Nguyen and Anoush Ter Taulian. Speaking on the program will be Genocide survivors Onoric Eminian, Israel Arabian, and Charlotte Kechejian.

Aram Arkun, a historian who is the coordinator of the Zohrab Center
will present an overview of the Genocide and Elombe Brath, who has a WBAI program on Africa has a dialogue with Anoush Ter Taulian on Genocide and Racism. This is also a fund raiser for public radio WBAI and we hope Armenians will support this program by ordering the CD.

To listen to the program online go to


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