Nazarian: Dink and the Persistence of Hope Following text has been adapted from a speech written by filmmaker Eric Nazarian for the Hrant Dink commemoration event in Los Angeles on Jan. 19, organized by the Organization of Istanbul Armenians. Nazarian was unable to attend the event; his message was read in his absence.
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The AGBU Satamian Theatre Group is proud to present its new play Ray Cooney’s comedy “Funny Money” (Trame Incher Geneh) Directed by AGBU Artistic Director, Krikor Satamian++
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"Significant numbers of OIA Members have been affected by the recent Porter Ranch gas leak and as a community service we have agreed to make our Hall available for the following informational meeting. This should not be construed as an endorsement of representations made by the law firms that will be presenting as to their qualifications or a recommendation by OIA as to what counsel our members should retain. This is not an OIA sponsored event. Our sole interest in allowing our center to
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Informational Meeting About Porter Ranch Gas Leak Significant numbers of OIA Members have been affected by the Porter Ranch gas leak and as a community service we have agreed to make our hall available for the following informational
On the Road to Exile: 100 Years Later in Kayseri By Aris Nalci on December 10, 2015 in Featured, Headline, Special Reports // 0 Comments // //
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- - - Պոլսոյ մէջ իր մահկանացուն կնքած է բանաստեղծ Զարեհ Խրախունին: Այս մասին վերահասու դարձանք Պոլսոյ մեր աղբիւրներէն:
Dear OIA friends, Conan O'Brien and our daughter Sona's TV special from Armenia will air on TBS Tuesday November 17, please check your local listings. It is such a lightheartedly funny and touching show, we hope you watch and enjoy watching