OSMANLI ERMENÝLERÝ VENEDÝK’TE! San Lazzaro Mýkhitarist Manastýrý ve Ýlk Türkçe Tiyatro Oyunlarý 18. yüzyýlýn sonunda, Ermeni Mýkhitarist Manastýrý’nda yazýlan ve Venedik Karnavalý’nda düzenli olarak icra edilen ilk modern Türkçe oyunlar, yazýldýklarý tarihten yaklaþýk iki asýr sonra kendilerine hayat veren Ermeni rahiplerin doðduðu ülkeye, Türkiye’ye dönüyor. Ermenilerin modern Türkçe tiyatronun kuruluþuna yaptýklarý önemli katký çoðumuz tarafýndan
Read moreOSMANLI ERMENÝLERÝ VENEDÝK'TE! San Lazzaro Mýkhitarist Manastýrý ve Ýlk Türkçe Tiyatro Oyunlarý 18. yüzyýlýn sonunda, Ermeni Mýkhitarist Manastýrý'nda yazýlan ve Venedik Karnavalý'nda düzenli olarak icra edilen ilk modern Türkçe oyunlar, yazýldýklarý tarihten yaklaþýk iki asýr sonra kendilerine hayat veren Ermeni rahiplerin doðduðu ülkeye, Türkiye'ye dönüyor. Ermenilerin
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Dear O.I.A. Members, We would like to inform you that, this year. Y.G.I.A is taking part in the Toys for Tots charity program, where we will be collecting toys for the young boys and girls who come from less fortunate families. We would like to bring this effort to your attention, hoping that you will bring your and families voluntary involvement to achieve this goal. Our main objective is to be able to give back to society by helping the less fortunate, and we feel this will
Read moreDear O.I.A. Members, We would like to inform you that, this year. Y.G.I.A is taking part in the Toys for Tots charity program, where we will be collecting toys for the young boys and girls who come from less fortunate families. We would like to bring this effort to your attention, hoping that you will bring your and families voluntary involvement to achieve this goal. Our main objective is to be able to give back to society by helping the less fortunate, and we feel this will
Read moreThe 15th AnnualARPA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVALNovember 29th – December 2ndThe Egyptian Theatre 6712 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles EVENT HIGHLIGHTS 4 Days of Screenings • Receptions • Q&A's • Award presentations THURSDAY, 7:30PM – OPENING NIGHT FILM "LOST AND FOUND IN ARMENIA" + Q & A/RECEPTION FRIDAY, 7:30PM – CENTERPIECE MOVIE "AWAKENING WORLD" + "ZENNE DANCER" + Q & A/RECEPTIONSATURDAY, 7:30PM – CLOSING NIGHT FILM "IF ONLY EVERYONE" + Q & A/RECEPTION <script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client
Read moreSCHOLARSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT 2012 Academic Year This year, a limited number of scholarships will be made available to qualified students. The eligibility requirements for scholarship candidacy for university/college students are: To be an individual of Armenian descent. To be a full-time student in an accredited college/university or a full-time graduate student in the United States. To have demonstrated academic excellence. All students wishing to be considered for an OIA Scholarship must complete
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