The Organization of Istanbul Armenians awards up to 10 scholarships per year to highly deserving college and graduate students. Each scholarship award amounts up to $2,500. This year a limited number of scholarships will again be made available to qualified students.
The eligibility requirements for scholarship candidacy for UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE STUDENTS are:
a. Completion of at least a quarter/semester is required (for transcript purposes), if student has moved from high school to college directly.
b. Completion of at least a quarter/semester is NOT required, if student has transferred from community college to college or student is currently enrolled in a graduate program.
All students wishing to be considered for an OIA Scholarship must complete the application form. The OIA Scholarship Committee will review all applications and make awards to those students whose academic and extra-curricular activities show the most promise, a desire to succeed, and a commitment to making a positive contribution to others. Special consideration will be given to applicants with involvement in Armenian community activities.
Completed application packages along will all the required documentation must be submitted to the Organization of Istanbul Armenians no later than October 17, 2014.
To download an application package, please visit the O.I.A. Web site at (http://www.oia.net/scholarship).
Please forward all the questions you may have regarding the O.I.A. scholarship applications to scholarship@oia.net.