GROONG’s Calendar of events

GROONG's Calendar of events
			(All times local to events)

What:		A Woman Scholar's Reflections on Denial: Ottoman Past, Turkish
		Present and the Collective Violence against the Armenians, 1789-2009
		Dr. Fatma Müge göçek
When:		Mar 8 2013 1-3pm
Where:		Hall Building, Room # H1120 - 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W
		Concordia University, Montreal (Quebec).
Misc:		International women's Day
Online Contact:
Tel:		514-848-2424 ex. 4466

What:		"Role of Religion in the Healing Process of Genocide Survivors"
		a lecture in English given by Professor  Donald Millre
When:		Mar 10 2013 1pm
		Following Church Divine Liturgy which starts at 11am
Where:		Armenian Apostolic Church of Crescenta Valley,
		Western Prelacy's Hall, 6252 Honolulu Ave., La Crescenta, CA.
Misc:		Professor Donald Miller, Director of the Center for Religion
		and Civic Culture at USC will discuss the Armenian genocide
		and the importance of religion and will focus on the role of
		religion in the healing process for survivors of the
		genocide. Free admission and reception.
Online Contact:
Tel:		818-244-9645

What:		"Sacred Objects from the Armenian Churches of Constantinople"
		an illustrated lecture by Dr. Ronald Marchese University of
		Minnesota, Duluth
When:		Mar 10 2013 4pm
Where:		Ararat-Eskijian Museum, Hasmik Mgrdichian Gallery,
		15105 Mission Hills Road, Mission Hills Ca, 91345
Misc:		Organized by Ararat-Eskijian Museum and National Association
		for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR).
		Dr. Ronald Marchese will discuss his recent research in
		Constantinople/Istanbul with a talk on "Treasures of Faith:
		Sacred Objects from the Armenian Churches of Constantinople".
		Dr. Marchese is professor of ancient history and archaeology
		at the University of Minnesota, Duluth and has spent the last
		several years documenting the rich cultural history of the
		Armenians in Constantinople, by studying the works of arts
		that the Armenians produced.
Online Contact: or
Tel:		AEM at 818-838-4862, NAASR at 617-489-1610

What:		Armenian Genocide Research and Study Programs in USA
		How far we have progressed and in what direction?
		Achievements and Failures.
		Lecture By Prof. Taner Akcam. Discussant Prof. Richard Hrair Dekmejian
When:		Mar 22 2013 8pm
Where:		OIA Center, 19726 Sherman Way Winnetka, CA 91306
Misc:		Free Entrance-Lecture in English
		Reception will follow
Online Contact:
Tel:		OIA office 818-342-0110

What:		Celebrate International Children's Book Day with
		Author Lucine Kasbarian and Book Review Editor Wilda Williams
When:		Apr 2 2013 7:30pm
Where:		The Armenian Library & Museum of America
		65 Main Street 3rd floor Contemporary Arts Gallery
		Watertown, MA 02472
Misc:		As part of ALMA's `In Conversation' series, Kasbarian and
		Williams will discuss the challenges and benefits of producing
		material in this field, including insights from their work
		inside publishing. 
Online Contact:
Tel:		617-926-2562

What:		"Treasured Objects" -- an artifact-filled, interactive
		lecture with Dr. Susan Pattie 
When:		May 7 2013 6:30-8:30pm
Where:		CUNY Graduate  Center 365 Fifth Ave. betw  34-35th Sts. 
		Room  9207 , New York, NY,  10016 
Misc:		Dr. Pattie explores the rich oral history narratives inspired
		by ordinary objects, the treasures of everyday life. Objects
		evoke memories, create an interest in exploring history and
		provide symbolic and powerful connections with others in the
		past and present. Using examples from a recent exhibition in
		London of Armenian life during Ottoman times, Dr.  Pattie will
		show how even after the Genocide, objects remain within homes
		that reveal intimate details of past lives as well as the
		journeys taken to arrive in their present location.
Online Contact:
Tel:		212-817-7000



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